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Youth Programs


Youth Programs

The mission of Youth Programs is to enable all young people to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. The program provides a safe place to learn and grow, encourages ongoing relationships with caring, adult professionals, and creates life-enhancing programs and character development experiences and opportunities.

The Parent Portal allows you to securely manage your family’s profile to include program registration and payment information.

To create a CYPBMS account please call  Youth Programs at 801-777-2419

A group of kids in a tug-of-war game

Open Recreation

Lifestyle children training and playing soccer.

Sports Program

Kids in kimonos practicing effective karate techniques in group workout at training room

Instructional Program

Creative kids. Creative Arts and Crafts Classes in After School Activities.

School Age Care Program

Youth Programs

Open Recreation

Open Recreation (Ages 9-18)
Youth Programs Open Recreation is designed to provide safe, age-appropriate activities that help youth develop strength and confidence and provide a healthy and sound environment. Programs such as youth development or leadership development through club organizations, health education, youth/parent activities, youth sponsorship programs, and relocation assistance are available. Being affiliated with the Boys & Girls clubs of America and 4-H, we have incorporated many of their programs, such as the Power Hour, Keystone Club, Torch Club, Smart Girls and Air Force Specialty camps (Space Camp, Teen Aviation Camp, 4-H Teen Adventure Camp, Regional STEM Camps and Missoula Children’s Theater). Youth Programs uses these clubs to provide community service in conjunction with monthly activities.

Youth ages 9-18 years old of Active Duty Members, Reserves, retired military and DoD Civilians who have access to base privileges. Youth 6-8 years old are allowed to participate only when they are in an activity that involves continuous direct supervision by an adult or they are accompanied by a parent. Youth that are 18 years old must still be in high school. Married and active duty youth are not allowed to participate as youth participants.

Registration and Membership
Youth must have an AF Form 88 (Air Force Youth Programs Registration) on file to participate in Open Recreation. In accordance with AFI 134-144, immunizations to include a flu shot must be submitted at time of registration and updated annually. Open Recreation is a privilege, not a right. The annual fee is $120/year or $60/6 months per youth. In the event of closure due to quarantine, fees will not be refunded or prorated. Special needs situations (autism, ADHD, diabetes, etc.) require documented Child & Youth Participation Inclusion Action Team approval prior to attending. All youth will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms daily, and masks are required to be worn at all times.

Youth Programs

Sports Program

Sports Program (Ages 3-13)
Hill AFB Youth Sports Program’s mission is to teach the basic skills which young people need to play various youth sports in a safe and nurturing environment, where all children receive an equal chance to participate, regardless of skill level. Hill Air Force Base has established an excellent approach to encourage a wide variety of desired outcomes to occur through the participation in our Youth Sports programs. These fundamental goals include:

  • Develop positive personal, social, and psychological skills
  • Obtain enjoyment through recreation
  • Develop physical fitness and self-worth
  • Develop the physical skills to enhance the likelihood of participation in physical activities throughout life
  • Learn and develop the rules and strategies of organized team sports and individual sports
  • Develop respect for rules as a facilitator of safe and fair competition
  • Promote sports as an alternate to drug, alcohol, and tobacco use as a way to recreate, escape from reality, or enhance performance
  • Promote interaction with positive role models and other children

Start Smart
Start Smart is a program created by NAYS (National Alliance for Youth Sports). It prepares children ages 3-4 for organized sports in a fun, non-threatening environment.

Jr. NBA Basketball: Ages 3-13

Baseball & T-Ball: Ages 3-13

Soccer: Ages 3-13

NFL Flag Football: Ages 7-13

Additional Sports Programs and Activities:
MLB Pitch, Hit & Run
America’s Kids Fun Run


Signups are open now!

Youth Soccer volunteers needed!

Want to give back to the community and help our youth build self-confidence, make friends, and learn soccer skills while having fun? Volunteer to be a Youth Soccer coach! 

We’re looking for coaches and volunteers for Fall Youth Soccer. No experience needed—training provided! Contact the Youth Center at 801-777-2419 or Kenny Fife at for more info / to become a coach. Coaches’ meeting tentatively planned on Saturday, August 10th, at 9:00 AM.

Forms & Resources

Parent Code of Ethics

Sports Physical Form

Sports Registration

Youth Sports Brochure

AF Form 88

Youth Programs

Instructional Program

Instructional Program (Ages 5-18)

These are classes are available to youth interested in participating in other extracurricular activities.


Judo Classes

Judo is a full-contact Olympic sport/martial art that teaches fitness, resilience, balance, and strength through throwing and grappling techniques. The athletes in this program are a TEAM of all ages and sizes who continually push each other and themselves to improve. Committed participation yields discipline, focus, and self-confidence both on and off the mat.

Instructor: Don Chesmer
Phone: (801) 499-6955
Location: Hess Fitness Center (Bldg. 520)
Fees: $40/month. Additional cost for uniform & annual membership

Class Times: Mondays & Wednesdays 1700-1900

Youth Programs - Karate Classes - Hill Air Force Base

Youth Karate Classes

Instructor: Jose Garcia
Phone: (801)777-2419
Location: Hess Fitness Center (Bldg. 520)
Fees: $60/month. Additional cost for uniform & annual membership

Class Times: Monday & Wednesday 

Beginner: 1700-1800

Intermediate to Advanced: 1800-1900


Jazz & Ballet Classes

Fees: $50/month. 

Location:Hess Fitness Center (Bldg. 520)

Class Times: Monday: Ballet
 & Wednesday:  Jazz

5-8 Year Olds 5:30-6:15 PM

9-12 Year Olds 6:30-7:15

For more information Call Hill AFB Youth at 801-777-2419

Youth Programs

School Age Care Program

The School Age Care program provides supervised recreational, educational, social, and cultural programs for youth ages 5-12 (kindergarten-sixth grade) in a safe and healthy environment. We offer a variety of services/contracts to include: Before only, After Only, Before and After School, and Full Day Summer Camp.


Air Force School Age Care provides a safe, enriching, and supervised environments for children and youth during out of school time. Individual interests, experiences, abilities and needs guide the programming. Children have the right to be heard, listened to and influence decisions. We promote experiences and opportunities that enhance rather than duplicate the school day. Our programs maintain an atmosphere that encourages flexibility and allows for freedom of choice within appropriate guidelines. We strive to reinforce family values and emphasize the uniqueness of each child by promoting positive attitudes and validating self-worth.


  • Personal Development – supporting positive self-concept, fostering independence and life skills, encouraging responsibility
  • Social Development – establishing friendships, learning social skills, gaining social support, developing a sense of community and teamwork
  • Physical Development – building physical and recreational skills, appreciating the ability to rest and relax

School Holiday/Summer

Mon – Fri

1st - 6th Grade

Mon – Thu
0630-0830 | 1600-1630

0630-0830 | 1400-1630


Mon – Fri
0630-0830 | 1200-1630

0630-0830 | 1100-1630



All AFMC Family Days and Federal Holidays.

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