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Transition Assistance Program (TAP)


We are
here to help

Transitioning out of the military can be a stressful time filled with uncertainty but it can also be a time of personal growth and professional opportunities. 


Transition Assistance Program (TAP)

The Transition Assistance Program (TAP) is an outcome-based program that bolsters opportunities, services, and training for transitioning service members in their preparation to meet post-military goals. Through the transition process, which includes individual counseling, workshops and seminars, individuals identify their skills, learn to search the job market, and successfully market themselves to quickly secure employment in the civil sector. Spouses are highly encouraged to attend all TAP components.

A retiree should engage 24-20 months prior to date of retirement and a separatee must start the TAP process as early as 18-15 months prior to separation. The intent of starting earlier is to allow members to be more proactive in the process and to take ownership of their transition.

Any member that has been identified for early separation including legal, administrative, medical evaluation board (MEB), Palace Chase or Palace Front, or other requirements should start the TAP process the moment the INTENT to discharge early is known.

Any member assigned to deploy must immediately complete both Initial Counseling and Pre-separation Counseling prior to actual deployment if they will fall below 365 days from date of separation during deployment.

In addition to all TAP requirements, service members will also receive access to a Pre-Separation Resource Guide which provides you with an overview of the benefits and services you may have earned , as well as resources available to assist you in obtaining your benefits. 

TAP Interagency Website Guide

Pre-Separation Resource Guide

TAP prepares participants to

Analyze skills and experience, likes and dislikes, work values, and how these affect their job search.

Identify needs and goals, then compare them with information about jobs in various industries.

Respond to job offers and answer questions in a job interview and identify behaviors to strengthen or change.

Analyze your spending and project your budget for the next 12 months after separation.

Schedule for TAP

Tap 2025 Schedule

Va Claim Resources

Your TAP Journey

Individualized initial counseling (IC) between the service member and a TAP counselor begins the transition process. Service members will complete their personal self-assessment tool to identify and discuss their unique needs of the transition process during the IC appointment. This congressionally-mandated session must be completed NLT 365 days prior to date of separation.

The Pre-separation Counseling (PRESEP) is an informational briefing designed to provide members with the knowledge, resources and assistance available so they can make an informed decision regarding their separation or retirement options and will also review various veteran service related benefits. The briefing is congressionally-mandated and required to be completed NLT 365 days prior to date of separation. This briefing is a prerequisite to the TAP workshop and must be completed prior to TAP Workshop attendance.

During TAP, members receive information and tools that will help them be successful and thrive after their military careers. During this workshop you will learn to identify your current skills and abilities and how they translate to a variety of occupations outside of the military. You will learn to assess your future career goals and plans, identify needs, develop a financial spend plan and project your budget for transition. Additionally, you will be provided resources and training to analyze and search the current employment markets, effective interviewing, and dressing for success.

The Veterans Administration (VA) Benefits and Services briefing will be provided by a Veteran Affair’s representative. During the VA Benefits and Services briefing, an overview of GI Bill Benefits, disability claims process, VA healthcare, Vocational Rehabilitation and other veteran benefit entitlements will be covered.

Optional two day tracks are also a component of the TAP program, allowing members who seek additional assistance to gain resourceful information. These tracks are typically assigned according to tier selection, but may also be available to members as an optional resource. 

Capstone is a mandatory component of the Transition Assistance Program and must be completed NLT 90 days prior to date of separation. The purpose of Capstone is to evaluate member’s preparedness to successfully transition from a military to a civilian career. Counselors will meet with the member individually to verify Career Readiness Standards (CRS) have been completed. Individual Career Readiness Standards are the members responsibility, and can be verified on the EFORM by accessing

This track is facilitated by the base education office and offered upon request as an additional resource to help individuals who plan to focus on their academic goals. This track helps members prepare for college life, transfer credits, explore how college credits may be gained for military training and experience, research schools and financial assistance and how to complete an application to the school.

This track is facilitated by the Department of Labor (DOL) and offered upon request as an additional resource for individuals seeking alternate career paths through certification, licensing and apprenticeship. This track offers a unique opportunity to identify skills, increase awareness of training and credentialing programs, and develop and action plan to achieve career goals. This will include a variety of individual assessments to help members identify interests and aptitudes to help target a variety of tailored job recommendations based on results.

This track is facilitated by the Small Business Administration (SBA)and offered upon request as an additional resource for individuals seeking development in a small business or franchise. Through this track, individuals explore entrepreneurship opportunities, develop a business plan, explore key elements to sustain a business, as well as provide additional resources throughout the community.

Tap Workshop Files

Tap 2025 Schedule

Tap Attendance Instructions 2025

Tap Daily Agenda

Pre-Separation Resource Guide

Self Assessment

Obtaining Your Verfication Of Military Training

Individual Transition Plan (ITP)

Managing Your (MY) Transition Participant Guide

MOC Crosswalk Participant Guide

Financial Planning Participant Guide

GAP Analysis

Transaction Log Sheet

Spending Plan Worksheet

Accessing & Printing EFORM

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