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Neon Nights

Hello Team Hill!

                Welcome back to another blog post! And this time, we have another event highlight! For our readers who also participate in our email blast, have I got good news for you, if you love mysteries and the 80s, come down to the Landing! On August 23, we are holding our Murder Mystery Dinner! And to make it even more bodacious, the theme is the 1980s!

                That’s right, step back in time for a concert as all the big names of the 80s are here. However, there is tension in the backstage that results in a murder. In this mystery you, as the Big Kahuna, need to solve this whodunit and bring the culprit to justice. So, grab your jeans, flash those neon colors and get that hair up. You are one smooth operation and if you’re going to solve this case, you need to do so in style.

                Now, looking good while solving a case can be a bit tricky, however, I’m here as your fashion guide to help you. If you need help, check out my suggestions. Most people think of Jeans and Neon colors as a go to and you can’t go wrong with that. If you want to stand out for this mystery, I’ve got a few more suggestions.

First up is your shoes and what type you should wear. Most common shoes worn back in the 80s were Jordans/sneakers, Doc Martens, or Vans Classic Slip-ons. Now for the clothes themselves. For men, the most common type of clothes worn back then were Oxford shirts, turtlenecks, slacks, polo shorts or suspenders. Women on the other hand, they wore things like high waist jeans, leg warmers, acid washed jeans, leotards, punk leather items, etc.

If you are still having some trouble with your outfit, you can turn to classic 80s movies for ideas. Think of films like Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Footloose, etc. These films encapsulate the 80s and its fashion and will sure to inspire your outfit for the event.

Now that you have everything prepared, let me fill you in on a few more details. The doors for the event open at 1700 and the dinner starts at 1800. You must be in your seat by 1745. Also, you must make a RESERVATION before AUGUST 16. Spots are limited right now, and it is $35 for Members and $45 for Non-Members. Once that is all taken care of, you are all set.

Hopefully, you found something useful or helpful and you will all have a wonderful time. I wish you all the best luck detectives and hopefully you can bring the culprit to justice. Remember to have fun and I’ll see you there. Bye guys!


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